
  • Erich Lehner
  • Thomas Gesterkamp
  • Raewyn Connell


  • >> 21.October 2011 | 11.15-12.45h | FH Joanneum, Audimax
  • >> 21.October 2011 | 9.15-10.45h | FH Joanneum, Audimax
  • >> 20.October 2011 | 10.30-12.00h | FH Joanneum, Audimax






  • Ahmet Kokac


    Studies at the University of Technology Graz, provincial chairman Muslimische Jugend Österreich, Province of Styria.



  • Christian Scambor


    Dr., psychologist, coordinator GenderLab, Research Institute at Men's Counseling Center Graz.



  • Elli Scambor


    Mag.a, sociologist, Research Institute at Men's Counseling Center Graz, lecturer at the Medical University Graz, GenderLab.



  • Erich Lehner

    Dr., psychoanalyst in private practice; Palliative Care and Men’s Studies/Gender Studies at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Wien, Graz, IFF – department of Palliative Care and Organizational Ethics.


  • Gerhard Pölzler


    Mag., psychotherapist-in-training, theologian, gender specific services for male youngsters at Men's Counseling Center Graz.



  • Heinz Baumann


    DSA, certified social worker, trainer group dynamics (ÖAGG), supervisor (ÖVS), assistant professor at the University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM Graz, member of the municipal council Graz.



  • Hüseyin Kalayci

    Dr., pedagogue, psychologist, associate head of  MännerGesundheitsZentrum MEN Wien, head of native-language (health) counseling.


  • Joachim Voitle


    Men's Counseling Center Graz.



  • Johannes Wahala


    Univ. Lekt., Mag., psychotherapist, sexual therapist, coach, supervisor, founder and director of counseling centers COURAGE, president of the Austrian Society for Sexual Research (ÖGS), assistant professor for sexual counselling and therapy.



  • Josef Hölzl


    MSc, dipl. marriage-, family- and life counselor, Mä, Diözese Linz.